Oh the good ol' days.. so pure.. so innocent...
take whatever bar the group pings to you that way your spirits line up with the other N/Rt. Don't ask for a team here, no one is going to help you, go to ID1 HA and Spam N/Rt LFG! Probably will take you awhile because I'm assuming ur unranked.. so instead when you get invited to a party that looks like a random mess aka Randomway, hope that the leader has 1/2 a brain and go get ur r3 playing n/rt healer for them!
P.S. i feel like it is my duty to tell you not to run N/Rt or any otehr SWAY build and instead run balanced.. but who am I kidding, you can Sway and grind UW all day, or you can run unranked balanced and never make it past Zaishen. Just don't get caught in the sway loop, get ur r4-5 then start begging to get into r6+ balanced groups, the fame will come painfully slow but it's worht it.